Q.E.D. Code wrapped up its first season in 2015. Here’s what we covered:
Predicate Calculus
John von Neumann
Code Contracts
Leonhardt Euler and the Seven Bridges
A Mathematical Theory of Communication I
Theorem vs. Theory
A Mathematical Theory of Communication II
Socket API
Degrees of Freedom I
Extensible Records with Scoped Types
Degrees of Freedom II
Kurt Godel and Incompleteness
Directed Graphs
Partial Ordering
Degrees of Freedom III
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events I
Topological Ordering
Parameterized Unit Tests
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events II
Turing and Decidability
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events III
The CAP Theorem
Mathematical Induction
Tests and Proof
Two Generals Problem
Factories for proving Prerequisites
The Lambda Calculus I
Computing Pi
Prisoner's Dilemma
Difference Engine
Lambda Calculus II: Alpha, Beta, Eta
Initializing Mutables